Four Stage 6 courses are offered through the PDHPE department. Two of these contribute to ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank), whilst two of these course are content-endorsed and contribute toward the HSC, but not toward an ATAR. Each of these courses provide valuable learning experiences for students in engaging environments.
ATAR courses:
1. Community and Family Studies (CAFS)
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of the diverse nature and interdependence of families and communities within Australian society. It helps students to plan and manage resources effectively in order to address contemporary issues facing families and communities. (NESA, 2016).
This course involves the development of an Independent Research Project (IRP).
2. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about the range of areas that underpin health and physical activity.
With a focus on health of individuals and community as well as the factors that influence movement skills and physical activity levels, students develop their critical thinking skills and develop a deep understanding of the factors that impact on health, sport and physical activity in Australia. (NESA, 2007).
Parents and students should note that PDHPE in Years 11 and 12 does NOT include any regular practical component (as experienced in 7-10). Occasional lab style lessons may accompany lessons related to lung and heart function, and in exploring biomechanical concepts.
Non-ATAR (content-endorsed) courses:
3. Exploring Early Childhood (EEC) – Content Endorsed Course
Our society is increasingly recognising children's experiences in the early childhood years as the foundation for future growth, development and learning.
This course explores issues within an early childhood context and considers these in relation to the students themselves, their family and the community. (NESA, 2007)
4. Sport Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)- Content Endorsed Course
Students will learn about the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle and recognise the need to be responsible and informed decision-makers.
This course enables students to further develop their understanding of and competence in a range of sport and recreational pursuits. They are encouraged to establish a lifelong commitment to being physically active and to achieving movement potential. (NESA, 2007)
SLR provides students with an opportunity to be physically active on a regular basis through the predominantly practical mode by which concepts are taught.
NOTE: There is no external examination (delivered by NESA) for Content Endorsed Courses. Assessment is school-based and teachers award an assessment mark using the Performance Descriptions for reporting achievement in HSC Board Endorsed Courses. All Content Endorsed Courses count towards the Higher School Certificate and appear on the student's Record of Achievement. However, Content Endorsed Courses do not count in the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Further information: To view detailed course descriptions, syllabus’, assessment information and past HSC questions, please go to: https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/stage-6-learning-areas/pdhpe
Life Ready
Life Ready is a mandatory 25 hour program for students in Years 11 and/or 12 in NSW public schools.
It aims to prepare and support senior students as they encounter situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities.
Life Ready focuses on offering opportunities for students to build the functional knowledge and skills for life after school.
Life Ready runs for Year 11 students during Term 3, Week 10. The course takes the form of a 4 day program that includes online learning, practical application of skills and presentation of knowledge and skills in a range of areas.