Mount Annan High School

Be the best you can be

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Weekly Events - Week 6B

Dear students, parents and carers, and MAHS community,

Welcome to Week 6B commencing Monday 10th March. We have made the halfway point of the term, and it has been positive first half of term.  We are starting to enter a busy period for students, staff and community with school events and assessments.  As a reminder from last week, we have the following important dates upon us:

  • Naplan for Years 7 and 9 commences Wednesday 12th March to Monday 17th March at school. This school-based scheduling aligns to the testing period opened for the completion of Naplan.
  • Year 7 2026 Information Night on Monday 17th March from 4.45pm to 7.00pm in our school hall.  We encourage all our new and existing families to attend to develop their understanding of our school.
  • Years 7, 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Night on Monday 24th March from 3.30pm to 7.00pm in our school hall.  For our Years 7 and 11 families, this is an opportunity to meet the teachers of your child as they enter high school or commence senior studies.  The official parent teacher night will be held in Term 3 for all year groups.

We have a few events on this week including SSW Swimming Championships and Knockout Open Basketball (Boys and Girls) on Monday, Year 11 Geography Minnamurra River Fieldwork Excursion on Wednesday, and the Sydney West Careers and Employment Expo and Support Unit Community Access program on Friday.  We thank staff for supporting these events and encouraging our students to participate.  For our families, you can access excursion and incursion information on School Bytes.

We also have our upcoming Harmony Week and Day in Week 7A.  Apart from our school harmony activities over the week, we will be acknowledging Harmony Day on Friday 21st March in which students will attend a whole school Harmony Day assembly during period 2 with classroom activities during periods 3 and 4 for Years 7 to 10.  Students are encouraged to wear orange accessories and items on the day to show their support.

There are also many assessments tasks due at the moment. Students should check their notifications and make sure they are prepared for assessments this week.  For our families, our assessment booklets are available on our website in the parent and carer communication section. These booklets contain valuable information as to the timing of tasks and the types of task.  Sometimes these dates may be varied with notification provided to students of the change of date.  This section also contains MAHS misadventure guidance. All families should be aware of this process, in particular Years 9 to 12 should it apply to them. 

As a reminder from last week, as to school uniform, it is great to see many students making a conscious effort to be in uniform. I know our students love the new look sport shirt, but they are reminded that this is not their daily school uniform.  Their sport shirt is for practical PDHPE and sport lessons, with the white shirt to be worn as their regular uniform.  Again, thank you to families for working with us, with a marked improvement in uniform occurring.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week, and be amazing, do good things and put your rubbish in the bin.


Ms Cavaleri

Relieving Principal