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Mount Annan High School

Mount Annan High School

Be the best you can be

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Weekly Events - Week 10B

Dear students, parents and carers, and MAHS community, 

Welcome to Week 10B, commencing Monday 1st July.  It is also the last week of school for the term and the welcoming of the winter holiday break.  However, there is still so much happening at Mount Annan High School, so it will be 5 busy days of school before the holidays commence. 

This week we have our enrichment program for 8A, 7A and 7B called ‘Beyond the Program’.  This program combines a range of subject areas and enhances the interest of students to develop skills in communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative thinking.  This program will run on Monday and Tuesday this week.  If parents have not yet provided their consent, please log on to School Bytes and complete your permission note.

We also have on Tuesday and Wednesday the Macarthur Zone Athletics Carnival.  We wish all competitors the best of luck in their events.  We know all students will do us proud.  We also have some guest speakers this week including the ADF Information Session on Monday during recess and Western Sydney University Visit on Tuesday at lunch to discuss early entry requirements.  All students wishing to attend should speak to Ms Jakab to confirm their interest and attendance.  All Year 12s are encouraged to attend the entry session.  Then on Thursday we have our Semester 1 Year Assemblies for all years, SSW Knockout Girls Hockey and Group 6 Girls City Cup Gala Day. 

After all these wonderful events, activities and acknowledgements of student achievement, we come to the last day of term on Friday 5th JulyStudents will resume school on Tuesday 23rd July

In planning forward, all families should keep an eye out for Parent Teacher Night information, which is on Monday 29th July (Week 2, Term 3).  Families should check their child’s timetable to schedule a booking with their teacher for an update on your child in addition to Semester 1 Reports which will be issued in Week 1 Term 3.

As a reminder, we are excited to have another Japanese visit occurring in Term 3, Week 3 from the 1st to 8th August.  We are looking for families to host two Japanese International students per home.  If families and students are interested, please email to the attention of Ms Calabria who is coordinating this event.  It is fantastic opportunity to experience a new culture and make a fantastic overseas friend.

Lastly, we ask parents again to remind their child of the school rules around mobile phones and attendance in class.  Mobile phones and associated devices should be off and away in your bag from 8:50am to 3:00pm, and all classes must be attended to avoid consequences.  We thank families for this support and reminder to our students.  We also remind students that if they need to contact home, they are to come to the student office or see a Deputy Principal to facilitate this call, they are not to do so from their mobile phone as there are consequences.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week and winter holiday break, and be amazing, do good things, and put your rubbish in the bin.

Ms Cavaleri

Deputy Principal