Mount Annan High School

Be the best you can be

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Weekly Events - Week 6B

Dear students, parents and carers, and MAHS community, 

Welcome to Week 6B commencing Monday 18th November. We are on the run home to the summer holidays for our students.  It is time for our students to make sure that all tasks, including coursework and assessment tasks, are submitted to ensure their best result is achieved. As a reminder, school will finish on Wednesday 18th December and resume for years 7 to 12 on Thursday 6th February 2025.

As we come closer to Orientation Day for Year 7 2025, we have our Year 9 selected students participating in Peer Support Training on Monday and Tuesday this week.  This program focuses on building leadership skills of a diverse range of students so that our incoming students can connect and be supported by our MAHS students.  For those parents and carers with Year 7 students attending in 2025, Orientation Day is on Tuesday 3rd December.  There are more details to come to our parents and carers regarding this day, so please join our closed Facebook page for more details.

Other events occurring this week include the continuation of our Peer Tutor Reading Program at Currans Hill Public School and Support Unit Fisher’s Ghost Art Award excursion on Tuesday.  Then on Wednesday, we have the 2024 Future Teachers Conference, Year 11 Jewish Museum Excursion and Year 7 2025 Additional Transition session.  On Thursday, we have several students supporting the Primary School League Tag Gala Day by acting as referees and supporting our primary students around League Tag. Then on Friday, we have our SRC Team Building Excursion and the running of our Support Unit Community Access programs. 

On Thursday evening we are also celebrating the artistic aspects of our students with MADD night.  MADD night encompasses Music, Art, Drama and Dance.  We are proud of all the students involved and the organisation of this event by the CAPA faculty.  Doors open at 5.00pm in the hall, with the show commencing at 5.30pm and concluding by 7.00pm.  We look forward to seeing students and families at MADD night to support their hard work and talents.

Lastly, school uniform is important and now that we have come into summer, students should be wearing their summer uniform.  Students are reminded that if you have a practical sport class period 1, you must come to school dressed in your summer school uniform and then get changed for this lesson into their sports uniform.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week, and be amazing, do good things, and put your rubbish in the bin.


Ms Cavaleri

Deputy Principal