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Mount Annan High School

Mount Annan High School

Be the best you can be

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Weekly Events - Week 1A - Term 3

Dear students, parents and carers, and MAHS community, 

Welcome back to Term 3 commencing Week 1A starting for students on Tuesday 23rd July. We hope all students are rested and ready for a return to school.  As it is Tuesday, students will finish at 2.10pm, so all students will commence the week with their early leave day.

This week we have some of our rescheduled wet weather SSW knockout competitions occurring on Thursday.  This includes both the Group 6 Girls City Cup Gala Day and SSW Boys Baseball competitions.  If a students is unable to attend, please see Ms Boyle and Mr Fitzgerald to discuss.  Also this week, homework club and breakfast club will run on Thursday as well as our Pancake Breakie on Friday.

We have also elected our SRC Junior and Senior Leadership Team, with students holding this role from Term 3 2024 to Term 2 2025.  The newly elected students will participate in the SRC Leadership Induction Day on Friday 26th July led by Ms Alexander and Mr Murray.  For those leaving us in their role, including the Year 12 Senior Leadership team, from MAHS, we say thank you for your service and contribution to our school during the time of your leadership.

As a reminder, Parent Teacher Night is on Monday 29th July (Week 2, Term 3).  Families should check their child’s timetable to schedule a booking with their teacher for an update on your child in addition to Semester 1 Reports which will be issued this week on Friday.  Families and carers can access School Stream and Sentral messages to access the code for School Interviews.

As we commence the term, we would like to remind students that mobile phones and associated devices should be off and away in your bag from 8.50am to 3.00pm.  We also remind students that if they need to contact home, they are to come to the student office or see a Deputy Principal to facilitate this call, they are not to do so from their mobile phone.

Lastly, Week 2 Friday 2nd August is Green and Gold Day in acknowledgement of Australia at the Olympics.  Students are encouraged to wear appropriate green and gold attire and accessories to school on this day to support ‘Team Australia’.  The Olympics begin this Friday evening and are held in Paris.  Let’s show the Australian spirit and support our amazing athletes on this national acknowledged day.

Wishing everyone a fantastic Term 3, and be amazing, do good things, and put your rubbish in the bin.


Ms Cavaleri

Deputy Principal